
Unlock the Benefits of the Crickex Affiliate Program - Earn Up to 50%!

Welcome to our affiliate program. The Crickex Affiliate Program is designed for our customers. As the name suggests, Crickex is seeking partners from its player community to promote its image and the services it provides.

Overview of the Crickex Affiliate Program

After operating for a long time, Crickex has realized that no one else but you – those with the most real experience – will be the most powerful partners. With an understanding of the product and the experience, when you participate in the product introduction process, it will become much more intimate. New users will gain accurate knowledge from this information.Below is specific information about the Crickex Affiliate Program .
Commission RateRanges from 5% to 20% for each level
Affiliate SupportsA dedicated affiliate manager is assigned to each affiliate, with additional support available via email or live chat.
Marketing SupportsCrickex will regularly update its Marketing programs to support partners. Affiliated units will receive personalized marketing strategies, in-depth analytics, and social media assets to maximize their advertising efforts.
Payment MethodsMultiple payment methods are offered, including bank transfers, PayPal, and cryptocurrency, ensuring flexibility for affiliates.
Affiliate CampaignRegularly updated campaigns and incentives designed to drive sales and enhance affiliate engagement, keeping the program dynamic and rewarding.

How Does the Crickex Affiliate Program Work?

You can understand the affiliate program simply like this: Three main entities are creating an economic relationship. One is the product-selling company (Crickex), two is the retailer (you), and three is the customer (new player). You, acting as the partner, will introduce our products (casino and betting services) to customers. Immediately after a customer makes a transaction, revenue will be calculated, and you will receive a commission. There are four simple steps of the Crickex Affiliate Program

Sign Up

First, you need to create a Crickex account to register for our affiliate program. During this process, you’ll need to read the terms and conditions and thoroughly review the contract. Then, our dedicated support team will review your profile. Note: Some cases may be rejected for partnership, such as partners with a history of fraud, partners who have not completed legal identification, etc.


Introduce us to your “circle of friends.” Through various channels such as websites, blogs, social media, email, or other marketing channels, promote our products. Don’t worry, Crickex will have one-on-one meetings and provide specific guidance documents.

Tracking Referrals

For easy management to avoid unnecessary risks and ensure fairness, each affiliate will be assigned a unique tracking code or referral link by Crickex. From here, whenever you promote, use this code. When customers click on your referral link, Crickex will record based on this information.

Customer Activity

Always remember that a successful affiliate referral is not just about new customer downloads. Crickex wants to promote and simultaneously boost revenue through this program. Therefore, only when new users have economic activity (transactions) on the platform, will the marketing referral be credited.

Best 3 Features of Crickex Affiliate Program


Competitive Commissions

The commissions offered by Crickex are extremely attractive. This is almost a stable income that partners can consider pursuing. Affiliate commissions at Crickex will be distributed in tiers to rank partners. Currently, there are 4 levels: Level 1: 5%, Level 2: 10%, Level 3: 15%, Level 4: 20%.

Comprehensive Marketing Support

Our dedicated Affiliate Marketing team will continuously develop marketing programs tailored to each target group, and each level to support partners. Crickex ensures that we will create a range of marketing programs so that partners can choose the most suitable ones.

Advanced Tracking and Reporting Tools

Crickex is utilizing the most advanced reporting and tracking tools. We will implement Blockchain technology so that partners can also monitor and review the activities of new players (of course, only relevant information). Additionally, Crickex will have supportive features such as data analysis, financial analysis, and strategy optimization. Surely, my affiliate program will become an attractive source of income for you

How to Register for a Crickex Affiliate Account?

Registering for a Crickex Affiliate Account is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Visit the Crickex Affiliate Program Page

Go to the official Crickex website and navigate to the Affiliate Program page. Look for a link or button that says “Join Now” or “Sign Up.”

Fill Out the Application Form

Fill out all the required fields in the form, including your personal information, contact details, and website URL (if applicable)

Wait for Approval

This process typically takes a few days. Once your application is approved, you will receive an email confirmation with instructions on how to access your affiliate dashboard.

Access Your Affiliate Dashboard

Once approved, log in to your Crickex Affiliate Account using the credentials provided in the email.

What is KYC?

KYC stands for “Know Your Customer.” It refers to the process of verifying the identity of customers or clients to ensure compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) regulations. KYC procedures are commonly employed by financial institutions, banks, and other businesses that deal with financial transactions.
The KYC process typically involves collecting and verifying certain information about customers, such as their full name, date of birth, address, government-issued identification documents (e.g., passport or driver’s license), and sometimes additional documentation depending on the nature of the business and regulatory requirements. The primary objectives of KYC procedures are to: 
  1. Verify the identity of customers to prevent fraud and identity theft.
  2. Assess the risk associated with serving a particular customer and mitigate potential risks.
  3. Ensure compliance with relevant regulatory requirements, including AML and CTF regulations.
  4. Build trust and enhance the integrity of the financial system by promoting transparency and accountability.

Rationale Behind Undergoing the KYC Process?

The rationale behind undergoing the KYC process is to mitigate the risk of financial crimes such as money laundering, terrorist financing, and fraud by verifying the identity of customers. Additionally, KYC helps financial institutions and businesses maintain the integrity of the financial system by promoting transparency and accountability in financial

What is a Crickex Affiliate Referral Commission?

A Crickex Affiliate Referral Commission is the amount earned by affiliates for successfully referring customers to Crickex. This commission is typically calculated based on a percentage of the revenue generated by the referred customers’ betting activity on the platform.

Requirements To Be Eligible For Crickex Affiliate Referral Commission?

To be eligible for Crickex Affiliate Referral Commission, affiliates typically need to meet the following requirements

Active Participation

Affiliates must actively promote Crickex and drive quality traffic to the platform through their unique affiliate links or promotional efforts.

Compliance with Terms

Affiliates must adhere to the terms and conditions of the Crickex Affiliate Program, including ethical marketing practices and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Referral Performance

Affiliates may be required to achieve a minimum threshold of referred customers, betting activity, or revenue generation to qualify for referral commissions.

Crickex Commission Structure Explanation

LevelNumber of Success Cases per MonthCommission Rate
4Over 4510%
Note: Affiliates should not exceed 5 success cases per day to maintain eligibility for com missions.

Can I Become a Crickex Affiliate Partner Without A Website?

Yes, it’s possible to become a Crickex Affiliate Partner without having a website. While having a website can be advantageous for promoting Crickex through content, banners, and links, it’s not a strict requirement. You can still participate in the Crickex Affiliate Program by leveraging other online platforms such as social media, forums, email newsletters, or even offline methods like word-of-mouth referrals.

How to Promote Crickex Casino?


Content Marketing

Create engaging and informative content related to online casino gaming, sports betting, and gambling tips. You can write blog posts, articles, or guides covering topics such as how-to guides for different casino games, strategies for winning, or reviews of Crickex’s casino offerings.

Social Media Marketing

Leverage social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to promote Crickex Casino. Share enticing promotional offers, updates on new games or features, and user testimonials to engage with your audience.

Influencer Partnerships

Collaborate with influencers or content creators in the gaming and gambling niche to promote Crickex Casino. Identify influencers with a relevant audience who can create compelling content showcasing their experiences with Crickex’s casino games and betting options. Influencer partnerships can help increase brand visibility and credibility among their followers.

Variety of Crickex Affiliate Promotional Materials

These materials are designed to attract and engage potential customers, helping affiliates maximize their promotional efforts

Promotional Banner Image

Crickex provides eye-catching banner images in various sizes and designs, featuring enticing visuals and compelling calls to action. Affiliates can easily incorporate these banner images into their websites, blogs, or social media posts to drive traffic to Crickex.

Promotional Banner GIF

In addition to static banner images, Crickex offers dynamic GIF banners that capture attention with animated visuals and messages. These GIF banners add a dynamic element to affiliate promotions, increasing engagement and click-through rates.

Promotional Video

Crickex supplies promotional videos that showcase the excitement and features of its platform, including highlights of casino games, sports betting options, and promotional offers. Affiliates can leverage these videos on their websites, social media channels, or email newsletters to provide a captivating preview of Crickex to potential customers.

Supported Payment Methods on the Crickex Affiliate Program


Local Bank

Affiliates can opt for local bank transfers to receive their commission payments directly into their bank accounts, making it convenient for those with domestic banking services.


Bkash offers a popular mobile financial service in certain regions, allowing affiliates to receive their commission earnings conveniently through their Bkash accounts.


Affiliates can utilize Neteller, a trusted e-wallet service, to receive their commission payments quickly and securely, providing a convenient digital payment option.


Affiliates can opt for Okcash as a payment method to receive their commission earnings, providing a reliable and efficient way to access their funds.


Crickex Affiliate Program presents a profitable avenue for individuals to earn commissions by promoting its sports betting and casino platform. With competitive commissions, diverse marketing support, and flexible payment options, affiliates can effectively drive referrals while maximizing their earnings.


Is the Crickex Affiliate Program free?

Yes, the Crickex Affiliate Program is free to join. There are no upfront fees or charges for becoming an affiliate.

How much can I earn with the Crickex Affiliate Program?

Earnings with the Crickex Affiliate Program vary based on referral activity and commission rates. Potential earnings depend on the number and activity of referred customers.

What are the requirements for becoming a Crickex affiliate?

Requirements for becoming a Crickex affiliate typically include active participation, compliance with terms, and achieving referral performance targets.

How to log in Crickex Affiliate program?

To log in to the Crickex Affiliate Program, affiliates can visit the official Crickex website and access the affiliate login page using their provided credentials.